(Newsletter Archives) 
Website courtesy of the Socorro County Historical Society, P.O. Box 921, Socorro, New Mexico 87801

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SCHS HomeNewsletters Archives
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History Articles
Oral Histories
WINTER 2015–2016
Remembering Winter with photos – SCHS New Archive Storage Unit
100 Years Ago – Announcement: Next SCHS Armendaris Tour
SUMMER 2016 
In Rememberance – 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco and Socorro – Excavations at Tzelaqui/Sevilleta Pueblo – Valverde/Armandaris Tour photos – The "Maggie Line"
AUTUMN 2016 
Francis Senn – Oktoberfest photos – SCHS 2017 Plans – Confederate Gold in Socorro
County? – Researching Valverde – Historical Mysteries – Elephant Butte Centennial
SUMMER 2017 
The legacy of Oktoberfest – Octoberfest Itinerary – Hammel Brewery Roof Repair –
Deadliest Hurricane in U.S. History – SCHS Happenings: new Board member and
new projects – Photos Oktoberfest food service area and the archive "vault."
SPRING 2017 
Hammel Cleanup Day photos – Post Card from the Past – Finding the First Americans
Brief History of the Hammel Brewery – Brief History of the Golden Crown Mill –
D&RGW Engine No. 496 Found
WINTER 2017-2018 
1918-2018 100 years ago • Rosie the Riveter • Socorro, the "Gem City" • Hammel Bros. Beer in the Movies • Hattie's Sinkhole • Socorro Towns Destroyed (1937-38 floods) • The 1918 Spanish Influenza •  New Mayan Cities Discovered • Remembering the USS Pueblo • San Marcial Roundhouse
SPRING 2018 
2018 Annual Meeting • San Marcial Special • San Marcial Solitary Grave of Mary A. Featherston • San Marcial: Railroad Town (includes photos of the roundhouse ruins) • The Great San Marcial Bank Robbery 1892 
SUMMER 2018 
2018 Oktoberfest agenda • The Hammels and Oktoberfest (the tradition of Oktober-fest in Socorro) • Some modern day ghost towns
Older newsletters here
AUTUMN 2018 
2018 Oktoberfest report and photos • Rosedale Special • Rosedale Gold - history of Rosedale and the Rosedale mine and mill • The Quest for Maise (early corn in New Mexico) • The "Maggie Line," "Chili Line," and Green Bean Casserole.
WINTER 2018-2019 
Rosedale Special • Rosedale Gold Part 2 - Last days of the Rosedale mine and mill • In Remembrance: Holm Bursum III • Winter on the Railroad • The Mesa Verde of Oman
SPRING 2019 
2019 Annual MeetingAuto Tour of San Marcial 1919: 100 Years Ago • Windsor Hotel Burns 1905 • Val Verde Hotel Opens 1919 • 1000s of Artifacts Looted • Tattooing in the Pueblos • Southern Pacific Engine #18 Failure
SUMMER 2019 
Oktoberfest 2019 • In Remembrance: Harold "Hal" Quinn • The Piros visit Socorro
Those Spanish Galleons • San Marcial Guided Auto Tour • New photos of San Marcial rail yards • Smithsonian Trinitite • MAD: End of the era
SPRING 2020 
Society News & Dues • Chester Potter: Railroad Agent and Vigilante • Captain Jack Crawford: A Brief Biography • Leo's Conoco Service Station - an historic gas station • San Acacia 1929 flood photos from Corky Herkenhoff
SUMMER 2020 
Society Covid-19 Updates • Post Cards from Socorro: historic look at Socorro through post cards  •  New Book: The French In New Mexico • Lost Civilizations: Why some ancient cities were suddenly abandoned • Do You Remember? ... these once popular businesses now gone
"Cry Macho" movie reviewed (filmed in Polvadera) • Drought exposes hidden history around the globe •  Boots on the ground history in Socorro County (photo gallery) • Face of Neolithic Man •  Deadly gardening •  Chaco Canyon wood
NOTE: No newsletters 2021–2022 due to covid shutdown
Oktoberfest 2023 flyer and information • The Bohemian colony in Socorro  1905-1906, an unknown chapter of local history • October 14 solar eclipse in Socorro  • Star Wars Star Fighter  • New Mexico Urban Legends
Oktoberfest 2023 flyer and information • The Bohemian colony in Socorro  1905-1906, an unknown chapter of local history • October 14 solar eclipse in Socorro  • Star Wars Star Fighter  • New Mexico Urban Legends
Oktoberfest 2024 information • New Hammel patio area • Bodega Burger Co.  • Life member Jess Landers  • Capital Bar & Brewery • Oktoberfest beer service • New parking lot at the Hammel Museum • Oktoberfest flyer • Old Santa Rita school • Roy Heatwole